A quick review of Advken new e cig starter kit—Owl Starter Kit

Aim to provide the qualified products and best vaping feeling to the customers, Advken team is always on the way for new products. Till 2019, Advken has released several products lines, such as Mad Hatter serial, Artha serial, Manta serial, Cp serial, Owl serial, and Doctor Coil serial. Some of these products line get not bad feedback from the market like the mad hatter RDA, manta tank and owl tank. As the newest member of “owl family”, the owl kit comes in a new form, the starter kit with an owl face logo and owl button, which is more easier for a customer to enjoy the vaping time.

Inspired by the owl, the night bird with strong observation, perception, and hearing, which is the symbol of wisdom in the western countries. The owl serial products are designing to solve the vaping issue, and trying to provide a new smart vaping way.

Overview of Owl Starter Kit

First of all, let’s do a short introduction about this starter kit—Owl Starter kit. Inheriting the biggest features of Advken owl tank that are top sliding refill and top airflow control which is totally solve the leaking problem, zero leaking issues. Advken owl starter kit comes with a new smaller size atomizer tank (3ml with bubble glass), and a curved single battery mod which is compatible with 3 type batteries:18650/20700/21700. Then there are seven color options: green/red/black/purple/silver/blue/orange, which means you can have a 1 different color of each day in a week if you keep the whole color line. Besides, the good flavor Advken mesh coil and the good hand feeling curved mod shape design are making this owl starter kit to be a unique kit.
Secondly, let’s talk about detailed information about this owl starter kit.


The owl starter owl kit is composed of owl tank (smaller size) and owl mod. The smaller owl tank is made of food-grade 304 stainless steel and pyrex glass, which guarantee it’s healthy and safe for vape. Aim to widen the customers’ color options, Advken team chooses aluminum as owl mod’s main material and adopting anodizing(color making way). Why the curved mod can do 7 color options? That is because of its material, aluminum alloy. The aluminum is softer than stainless steel, that means there is more possibility for color making. Besides, to match the mod’s color, the owl starter tank’s airflow ring is made of aluminum too, and use the anodizing for its color. In fact, that is a not bad color match.


Comparing with the 45mm owl tank (with drip tip) in 4ml capacity, the owl starter tank is 39.5mm long (with drip tip) and in 3ml (with bubble glass), which is shorter and smaller, looks like a cute younger owl baby. While the curved owl mod is 93mm length, is almost the 2.5 longer than owl starter tank. As 25mm is still the main diameter in the market, the owl starter tank still keeps 25mm wide. To keep a better match with the owl starter tank, the owl mod is just 2mm wider than the tank. So the whole kit is in a proper size for both looking and hand feeling.

Features of Owl Starter Tank

As a vaper, the most upset thing is the leaking issue. Solve the vaping problem and provide a better vaping feeling are the main purpose of advken product design. As the owl tank top airflow control brings the zero leaking issue and avoids condensation successfully, then the owl starter tank keeps it, because the good point should be continued.

As the top sliding refill is really avoiding screwing things when you refill, which makes refill is an easier thing. PUSH, DRIPPING, RECOVER THE TOP CAP. Considering the feedback of “difficulty” of refill of owl tank, the owl starter tank enlarges the top refill holes to let the inside air go out more quickly when refill.

Besides, its “TWO TOP” good succession, the owl starter tank does come with mesh coil: 0.16ohm/0.2ohm(installed), good flavor “weapon”. The Inside mesh net of mesh coil, enlarges the heating size as large as possible, which can be providing enough heating when you vaping. And those mesh coil also can work with Advken owl tank/manta tank and dominator tank. High compatibility of mesh coils that makes this owl starter tank more competitive in the market.

Features of Owl Mod

With the seven color options, the owl mod does widen the customers’ choice about color. The owl mod is a single batter (18650/20700/21700)y with a chip inside to make sure the safe output. With the 27mm diameter, the single battery owl mod is little wider than other tube mod. Then we adding a silicon cover in the mod to meet different battery change, which means if you only have 18650 battery available at the moment, you can also use the owl starter kit by this silicon cover.

As there is a chip inside, there is various protection of this owl mod. It is NOT a simple mech mod. Besides, there is an intelligence indicator light system(red/green/yellow) to show different color in a different situation to protect the device when you vape.

***Low power Protection
If the battery voltage is between 3.2V to 3.3V, the light near the button shows in red and flashes 3 times to remind of low power, then the whole device stops work.

***Over-charge Protection
When charging fully, the light near the button is in green, and can’t charge anymore.

***Over-heating Protection
If the overheating protection is triggered, the chip temperature is over 75 degree, the red light flashes 10 times and stops working at the same time.

***Overloaded/Short-cut Protection
If the whole device is short-circuited, the indicator light flashes 2 times and shows in red/green/yellow in turns rapidly. Meanwhile, the device stops work.

***Overtime Protection
After vaping 8s continuously, the device stops to work and the light flashes 2 times.

To some degree, the owl starter kit is not a 100% perfect kit. The inner airflow 304 stainless steel tubes, make the owl starter tank is not a light tank. Besides, the aluminum alloy made owl tube mod, is a not weight enough mod. So be careful to put the kit without battery on the desk, avoid any falling, any little fall can cause the glass is broken (or can change the glass as a strong tube-like PEI/Resin or PC material). But as the saying goes, “Never a rose without a prick”. All in all, the owl starter kit is a “high score” kit, solid making, no leaking issue, mesh coil inside delivery the good flavor, more color options, etc.

advken owl kit

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