Vape kit maintenance guide

The vape kit is a part of every vaper’s life. For some of them, it is the primary tool that keeps them active and happy. Especially, it is a lifesaver for those who struggle with nicotine craving. Maintaining the vape kit in good condition is critical to avoid any unpleasant situations. On top, there are several other reasons why your vaping kit deserves maintenance.

Many of the vapers out there don’t maintain their vape kits. As a consequence, they spend a lot of bucks to buy new parts and devices very often. Equally, they face situations where their vaping device fails to work. Just imagine, how would you manage your nicotine craving if your vaping device fails to work while you are on vacation at a remote location?

Let’s look at a few best practices in the industry that helps vapers to maintain their vaping kit in great shape.

Know your device
The first rule before getting into the handling and maintenance is to know your device. Not all vaping devices are the same in terms of working methods and configurations. The best way to know your device is by reading the manuals and instructions.

You may know how it works, but having a quick look through the instructions might help at times. Especially, you might not want to do something that could void the warranty.

Using the right Amperage is very important to avoid malfunctions and low performance. If your vape kit requires dual batteries, then you should ensure that you load both batteries that have the same capacity and amperage. On top, don’t ever hesitate to spend those extra bucks to buy batteries from authentic stores.

Check the battery percentage often to avoid using the device in a low battery. Most of the malfunctions and hangs happen while you fire the coils when the batteries are low. Having said that, keeping additional batteries can be a great option to avoid using the kit with a low battery.

Seamless connectivity and constant power supply is the key to the best vaping experience. Mods are the ones that work hard to provide you the uninterrupted vaping sessions. In the process, mods tend to bear a lot of heat from the inside and the user’s hands.

It is important to replace the sleeves of the mods regularly. If your mod doesn’t include a sleeve in the kit, you better look for custom sleeves made using rubber or leather. On top, you should ensure the battery holders and the connecting pins are cleaned very often. Properly maintained mods incur lesser depreciation than the expectation and thus lead to increased service life.

advken owl kit

Coils / Atomizers
Most vapers prefer coil building over ready-made coils and atomizers. If you do coil building, then you should maintain a separate pouch or bag to keep all the required tools. Besides, keeping the packs of cotton wicks is ideal for people who prefer building their coils.

People who use stock coils and atomizers may not require a coil building kit. In any case, you should keep a few stock coils and atomizers as a backup. However, common tools like screwdrivers, pliers, and resistance testers should be a part of every vaping kit.

Vape tanks
The vape tank is the key player in a vape kit. However, it requires routine cleaning to keep the whole kit in good condition. Performance of the poorly maintained vape tanks tends to become poor in the long run.

Not only that, leftovers of the vape juice tend to stick to the tank and the inner parts and become contaminated in due course. Such contaminated vape juices can cause health issues when vaporized and inhaled. Hence, cleaning the vape tanks is highly important for a healthy vaping life.

advken atomizer

Vape liquids
Do vape liquids require maintenance? Though it doesn’t require maintenance, one should handle it properly. The shelf life of e-liquids becomes lesser if not stored appropriately. Generally, vape juices tend to lose concentration and flavor if constantly exposed to heat or harsh weather.

To achieve the best shelf life, vape liquids are to be stored in cool places. Using a separate dark box to store it can increase the shelf life to a great extent. On top, the kit should boast funnels and droppers that can be used to refill the vape tank without spilling.

Vape carrying cases
Office goers, camping and travel freaks, and adventure enthusiasts who are vapers should have a vape carrying case at any cost. Vape carrying cases offer proper storage space for your mods, vape tanks, tool kits, additional batteries, chargers, vape liquids, cotton, and cleaning cloths.

Equally, it helps you to save your vaping kit from accidental drops and bumps. After all, you may hate to see your vape kit broken.

Last but not least, handling is another equally important thing just like the maintenance. A vaper should be careful about both maintenance and handling. IT doesn’t make sense if you overdo while tightening the vape tanks top cap or the base part. Likewise, loosely assembled parts may fall apart on the move which can lead to loss of money and additional expense. Similarly, it is advisable to not dismantle the device while you are on the move.

Connecting the vape tanks to the mods can lead to malfunction if you don’t handle it carefully. Especially, threaded mouthpieces and 510 vape tanks should be connected carefully to avoid breaking the threads.

A vintage vaper is no different than a beginner vaper when it comes to set a routine to maintain the vaping kit. Having said that, appropriate maintenance and handling of the vaping kit can offer a lot of perks to the vapers. A vintage vaper might have relatively high experience in handling vaping devices and accessories.

Still, it is highly advisable to be careful in keeping things in check. Things become very handy when you assemble the vape kit with all the essential tools and accessories. Equally, knowing the configurations, usage methods, and maintenance methods can help you to protect the device safely.

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